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The Boating Party, 1893-4. Mary Cassatt


"The bold geometry and decorative patterning of the surface reminds of Gauguin, Van Gogh and of Japanese prints." And we can see how she captures the restless baby squirming in mother’s lap. Magnifique scène de famille en vacances !  National Gallery of Art.

Mary Cassatt painted this work during a stay at Antibes, on the Mediterranean coast of France. Under its intense sun, she began to experiment with harder, more decorative color. 

Perspective du tableau. 

"The dark figure of the man compresses the picture onto the flat plane of the canvas, and the horizon is pushed to the top, collapsing a sense of distance."
Intensité de la couleur.

"Under its intense sun, she began to experiment with harder, more decorative color. Here, citron and blue carve strong arcs that divide the picture into assertive, almost abstract, shapes. " (...)


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