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Affichage des articles du octobre 16, 2016

Marisol Escobar by Jillian Steinhauer

“Marisol was among the most highly respected artists of the 1960s. As the decades passed, she was inappropriately written out of that history … Her inimitable sculptures and works on paper address some of the most compelling and topical issues of the last half century, from women’s roles and the disenfranchised, to a discussion of creativity and old age. Her works remain as important today as they were when she made them.”

Chuck Close, “Big Self-Portrait” (1967–1968)

“In life you can be dealt a winning hand of cards and you can find a way to lose, and you can be dealt a losing hand and find a way to win. True in art and true in life: you pretty much make your own destiny. If you are by nature an optimistic person, which I am, that puts you in a better position to be lucky in life.” ―Chuck Close.

Humans myth or reality ?  /    mollat-bordeaux  /  Sachin Teng @sachinteng 

Panorama étoilé by Mc.

Atelier Cheycollectif. Technique  : gouache et acrylique.