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Alfred Stieglitz. Portrait of Georgia O'Keefe. Circa 1920-22.

"A new look at how the renowned modernist artist proclaimed her progressive, independent lifestyle through a self-crafted public persona—including her clothing and the way she posed for the camera." Brooklyn Museum.

Georgia O'Keefe : Living Modern. Brooklyn Museum. 
"The exhibition expands our understanding of O'Keeffe by focusing on her wardrobe, shown for the first time alongside key paintings and photographs. It confirms and explores her determination to be in charge of how the world understood her identity and artistic values."

Portrait by Stieglitz. 
"Though she dressed for personal comfort and ease, her wardrobe played a meaningful role in her aesthetic universe; she understood how clothes helped create and reinforce her image as an independent woman and artist." (...)


"Georgia O’Keeffe is one of the iconic figures in modern American art."


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Olga Khokhlova dans l’atelier de Montrouge. 1918.

Attribué à Pablo Picasso ou Émile Deletang. "Olga (Picasso) est nécessaire à l'épanouissement de l'homme et consacre son génie en tant que portraitiste et peintre." Caroline Eliacheff, La Grande Table.

Luca Giordano. Baroque italien.

L'abondance de son œuvre, la richesse et la vitalité de son invention, le prestige qu'il connut en Italie et hors d'Italie font de Giordano une figure essentielle du baroque italien.

Joyeux Halloween !

Les illustrations de l'atelier pour cette prochaine fête.