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Marisol Escobar by Jillian Steinhauer

“Marisol was among the most highly respected artists of the 1960s. As the decades passed, she was inappropriately written out of that history … Her inimitable sculptures and works on paper address some of the most compelling and topical issues of the last half century, from women’s roles and the disenfranchised, to a discussion of creativity and old age. Her works remain as important today as they were when she made them.”


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Olga Khokhlova dans l’atelier de Montrouge. 1918.

Attribué à Pablo Picasso ou Émile Deletang. "Olga (Picasso) est nécessaire à l'épanouissement de l'homme et consacre son génie en tant que portraitiste et peintre." Caroline Eliacheff, La Grande Table.

Luca Giordano. Baroque italien.

L'abondance de son œuvre, la richesse et la vitalité de son invention, le prestige qu'il connut en Italie et hors d'Italie font de Giordano une figure essentielle du baroque italien.

Joyeux Halloween !

Les illustrations de l'atelier pour cette prochaine fête.